RFP: Request for Projects

March 10, 2024

A simple web based MUD: Let the AI just build an open ended web based MUD, can it continually make good forward progress as the world grows?

GiPiTedia: A wikipedia like site built by AI

Juicer: 'Juice' the AI for everything it knows to build a read only wiki like site. Versiosn of each page for each LLM model.

Four man team test: 1 dev, 1 db, 1 content, 1 quality, all working together to build a site.

Live update test: Agents that periodically poll live data, compile it, and update a web page.

Naisys tests written by agents: Can agents be used to write test for Naisys itself?

AI built commands: Agents exanding the shell with their own custom commands.

An open ended website: Takes your input on the page itself and adds functionality live.

Productized security guard: Runs periodically, updates a site with what's being tracked, takes feedback from user.

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