Web Server Security Review - 3/7/2024 Severity: 3 During a review of the Apache web server configuration and web application code, the following potential vulnerabilities were identified: Apache Config Issues: - AllowOverride All enabled for web root, which could allow .htaccess files to override security settings - Indexes enabled which could list directory contents - Multiple scripting languages allowed as directory indexes Web App Code Issues: - Kinematics app is including PHP files directly based on user input parameters without validation - This could allow inclusion of arbitrary files and remote code execution - Input validation and whitelisting of allowed includes is needed Recommendations: - Disable .htaccess overrides and Options Indexes unless required for functionality - Limit DirectoryIndex to only required files/languages - Implement strict validation and whitelisting for all user input used in PHP includes and other program input - Conduct thorough code review and penetration testing to identify any other web vulnerabilities like SQLi, XSS, etc